4 ways companies underestimate the importance of customer experience

Key takeaways:

  • Customer loyalty is crucial, yet some companies underestimate the importance of CX.
  • Lack of a customer journey map often indicates neglect of CX.
  • Prioritizing short-term gains over long-term customer satisfaction can backfire.
  • Emotional connections with customers drive loyalty beyond product features.
  • Incomplete understanding of customer challenges leads to high churn rates and missed opportunities.

Competition never sleeps and every company is trying to get the edge wherever it can. As Ryan had to teach Michael Scott in The Office, it’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than get a new one, which should make customer loyalty one of the top priorities for every company. That’s why it’s surprising that some of them still underestimate the customer experience (CX).

One of the best indicators of taking a customer experience lightly is not having a customer journey map. In this article, we will explore four ways how (and reasons why) businesses frequently undervalue CX and how a customer journey map can help to fix this.

1. Failing to strike a balance between immediate benefits and long-term value

A pitfall that companies frequently fall into is prioritizing short-term gains at the expense of lasting customer satisfaction. In their haste to increase sales or reduce costs businesses may compromise on practices that focus on customers. This could result in inadequate customer support and missed opportunities for personalized interactions which can leave customers feeling used. While this approach might generate success initially, it often leads to bad outcomes in the long term. Neglecting CX can leave customers with a bad impression resulting in negative reviews and a damaged brand reputation. By failing to consider the customer journey as a whole and trying to monetize customers without regard for anything else, companies risk squandering opportunities to foster relationships that drive sustainable growth.

2. The emotional connection factor

Customer loyalty doesn’t depend strictly on the product features or pricing; it is deeply intertwined with the feelings and emotions customers associate with a brand. Neglecting to create positive experiences (not only avoiding creating downright negative ones) can push away customers who are looking for companies that resonate with their values and needs. This is where a customer journey map becomes invaluable. It helps companies identify points of contact where they can establish or forge connections ensuring that interactions are consistently empathetic, meaningful, and aligned with customer sentiments. By ignoring this, brands are missing opportunities to turn customers into brand advocates who naturally promote the business through word-of-mouth recommendations.

3. Incomplete understanding of customer challenges

Companies that fail to understand the importance of a customer journey map often lack a clear understanding of customer pain points. Without a map illustrating every interaction between customers and the brand, it’s easy to overlook areas where customers may encounter frustrations or difficulties. These unaddressed challenges can result in high churn rates and a low number of repeat customers. By mapping out the customer journey, companies can identify these pain points and take proactive measures to alleviate them. This not only enhances the customer experience, but also demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement.

4. Inconsistent communication

The importance of communication cannot be understated when it comes to customer experience management. Companies that overlook this aspect end up sending mixed messages or failing to provide accurate information. Such practices can lead to customers feeling alienated and losing trust in the company and even create the possibility of customers switching to competitors who prioritize customer experience and are able to treat their customers better. Without a customer journey map, maintaining communication consistency across all touchpoints becomes a huge challenge because there are just so many of them to keep track of. It’s crucial to understand that customers have very little patience in dealing with companies, so clear communication throughout the customer journey is not a luxury but an absolute necessity.


In today’s business world where customer satisfaction is key, a great customer experience is more important than ever. Ignoring the impact of CX can lead to short-term gains at the expense of long-term value, disregarding emotional connections with customers, neglecting their needs, and delivering inconsistent experiences. A common denominator of these problems is the failure to create a customer journey map. Since they are not always easy to solve, a tool like this is one of the very few ways to effectively manage customer experience and ensure the customer is really in the center.

Do you want to create an interactive and easy-to-use customer journey map with powerful touchpoints, personas, automatic KPI import & monitoring, and much more?

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